Last updated on February 6th, 2023 at 12:09 pm
Valentine’s Day is coming up. Do you celebrate it?
I remember growing up as a child in the Philippines that this was not a full-blown holiday. We made cards in school to give to our parents and that’s pretty much it.
Towards high school and college, it was a different story. Flowers, teddy bears, chocolates, and other knick-knacks symbolize showing affection to one another, and the big fuss of who gets to receive them (or not). It nicely adds up to the ever-growing pressure of adolescence and the constant reminders of trying to fit in.
As this generation grows older, while it might have gone crazier over the years, I have learned that there are better ways to celebrate Valentine’s Day, as is. It is a celebration of love, after all. Here are some practical things we have had or have been doing.
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Eat out or Take out
Having a take-out meal on Valentine’s Day will cost a little bit more than making your own, but it saves time and energy from the kitchen. It’s also fun to get to try a different meal and less cleanup. You can elevate it a bit and put up a little decor. Desserts can get expensive, though, so maybe opt for quick bakes, like brownies or even ice cream from the grocery.
Time constraints?
For real, with Valentine’s Day, sometimes it’s tricky to make that reservation, then the efforts of getting ready and driving out. Whether you go out or stay home, the important factor is to spend time. Do some form of activity, something that you don’t do as often. An evening walk (unless you’re in the dead of winter, like us, brrrrh), a movie night (turn on that subscription or play something on YouTube), or a no-screen time, like a board or a card game.
It will help initiate questions that you may have trouble asking at times. They do have one for families too so you can get your kids involved.
Instead of flowers..
Don’t get me wrong, I love some flowers, but sometimes it’s better to opt for something affordable but equally useful. Be mindful and consider what your significant other might like. You can go for simple items that might be a form of self-care for them.
Got this oil diffuser 3 years ago and it still works! I matched it with my favorite scent and it made an overall difference in my mood. Plus, it also serves as a night light. So yeah, two in one, and used all year round.
Or if you’re a doer
If you’re crafty or artsy, you can make your own cards or just print one and write on them. Get in your thoughts and be mindful of what you actually wanted to say to the person. You’ll be surprised how much you can express, and nothing is more touching than a hand-written letter.

For Parents
Does your child’s school hold Valentine’s Day party? Ours do, and I am excited, but at the same time overwhelmed. But you don’t have to.
Children are easy to please. Sometimes it’s just us parents who make things complicated. With that in mind, I plan to bake a batch of brownies, wrapped and tied with a ribbon. That’s it. 🙂
I hope this gives you some ideas. It can be fun without all the hassle and on a budget, you can afford. May you be able to execute them, and enjoy what the actual event is about. Cheers!