
Mother's Day_card

7 Ways to Simple Gift Hunting this Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day is fast approaching, and much as we want to make things special for the first woman in our lives, over the years it has gotten

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How to Deal with Homesickness

Homesickness is real. I realized it fast when I arrived at the airport in the U.S. in the dead of winter.

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Meal Planning The Easy Way

With homemaking comes meal planning. When Joe and I were dating back in the Philippines, we’d go to a local place that serves purely Filipino food, and he eventually had his personal favorites. By the time I moved with him to Harrisburg, we established our staples well, go-to Vietnamese, Italian, Thai, and American fare places. […]

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Stay Sane During Quarantine

So, how is everyone doing? I have not gotten the time and the push to start my actual blogging since I put this site up. But now being cooped up in our home, I figure I get the chance to restart (for real) in the craziest of situations that we are all facing at this […]

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The Philippines: Where everyone can fit in

So, my in-laws called this morning. It’s part of our regular routine to call each other and check on what’s going on with our lives for the week (and them to check on Vince for the most part). They mentioned they’re going out on a trip. I got giddy for them and as a normal […]

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