New Year and How to Create Sustainable Commitments

New Year Commitments

Happy New Year!

Welcome to this year’s new chapter or those of you who barely made it through the holidays.

Let us pause and think of our “phew” moments during the rush of the season, and how we barely blinked and now we are almost 15 days into 2025. Yaiks.

New Year is the best time to think, plan, and explore everything new. While it is important to be mindful of overcommitting with our schedules, to extremes, it is good to start with small steps to tweak, improve, or change the things we currently have.

Making New Year’s resolutions does not need to be overwhelming and frustrating. Here are some things to consider when making one (or a couple, as you can handle):

New Year thoughts


Every training I have attended mostly always starts with this step. Being clear on why you want to improve a certain aspect of your life can help you specify and identify your end goal, and then you can start working from there.


This applies to anything. Whether health, financial, or spiritual, any end goal starts with one successful habit. Please don’t get excited with the big, flashy things you’d like to do, and don’t overdo it. Think of one thing that you can commit to and stick to it.


Goals are declared commitments. It’s nice to have some pressure involved when someone else is aware of your goal. It is even better to have someone who can encourage and cheer you on, or call you out when you feel like skipping a day or two for no reason.


At first, I did not believe that progress tracking could make any difference, but it did.

You can do it on paper, your phone, or even an app if you’re more on the technical side of things. I have been relying on a pen and paper for years. But if you haven’t tried it yet, I highly recommend it. Being able to track your progress gives you something to look back on and appreciate how much you have accomplished, and in the long term, it will create a pattern that you can change or improve.

New Year Commitments


If you need more help and perspective on what this new year offers, my friend Amber Curtis, Founder of Solutions For Simplicity can help you find balance in every step of your journey.

I joined her group called GOAL SLAYER GALS and it helped me so much in figuring out my goals and aspirations, and how to achieve them in doable, attainable steps.

Join our community of faith-filled women who strive for success and fulfillment while keeping you focused and inspired to set your goals and commit to them for the better.

There is so much to do, too much to plan, and more to look forward to.

Wishing you a bright, prosperous, and fun-filled year ahead!


Vanessa 🙂

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